Fun with knockout.js

A while ago I started looking into knockout.js for an internal MVC website that I’m working on. Originally I was trying to solve the problem of a very large DOM that only displays a fraction of itself at any time. Knockout handles this very nicely with it’s if binding. The more I used knockout, however, the more I fell in love with the MVVM pattern. In fact, if xaml bindings were as easy as knockout bindings, I wouldn’t be so hesitant to jump into WPF programming!

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Image Processing Part 1

This is, hopefully, the first in a series of posts using this codebase. The topics will be varied, but hopefully the codebase will tie them together…

Can you tell what is different between this image:

Origional Redbud image

and this one:

Modified Redbud Image

Aside from the obvious visual differences, there is an important, hidden difference. You can click-through and grab the original versions and try to figure it out.

The answer is below…

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